About me
In July 2019, I decided to take a break from my career in cooperation for development.
As a manager in United-Nations, during 20 years I trained, coached and mentored many direct reports and my technical field was to activate behavior and social changes conducive to peacebuilding and growth at country levels. After 2 decades, I was still passionate in accompanying the search for peace, fulfillment and initiating the necessary change to get there... but at the micro and high-impact level of the individual, with a low-pressure pace.
So, after 2 decades with UNDP, UNAIDS & UNICEF, I took 2 years to bring my presence down from my head to my body, from the outside to the inside, from doing to being and feeling.
In November 2019, I went to India to get my yoga certification, to Indonesia to deepen my traditional Tantra practice, then to Thailand for a few weeks of ascetic retreat in the forest with my Meditation Master (the Venerable Luangpoh Sudhiro is my "Guru" since 2004), and I ended up in Koh Phangan to learn new and zesty techniques like Osho active meditations, neo-tantra, BioDanza/ BioDevelopment ...
My spiritual journey actually started very early when I was 10 years old. During the last 37 years, I got initiated in Tantra Vajrayana of the Tibetan tradition (Kagyüpa lineage), in Theravada Buddhism in the so called Forest tradition (Ajahn Mun lineage), in Zen Buddhism (Master Liễu Quán lineage) and in Traditional Hindu Tantra (Bhairavanand lineage) and I received many other shorter formal transmissions.
I am now happy to offer all these spiritual teachings and coaching experience to the guests of Om̐ sweet Om̐ _/\_